This is like a deja vous!

We have talked about this new Top Mafia here :
New Top Mafia. It was using "secret" link to new Top Mafia page that has not been release yet. Now he have new layout of this feature..
First you can go to My Mafia page and choose Top Mafia button to promote your new Top Mafia..
So far I don't have any info about what is the best strategy to choose each position.. now just choose the active ones and see if you can ask help from them (including if someone bully you, etc). Don't choose based on their levels, because it can be an Energy player who can do nothing if you need their help..
Collect You Rewards
We can colelct Daily Rewards from each positions, the rewards include a consumable, a loot item, stamina refill, energy refill, or bonus experience. You can get it randomly chosen by the game.
Too bad, we can only get max staminas from this. Let's say if you only have 400 Staminas, so that's the max of Stamina bonus you can get from collecting your Rewards.. Hope this is only a glitch and we can get those 1000 Staminas!
You also will receive few experiences from interacting with your new Top Mafia.. for example if you send an email to them regarding their appearence (Missing In Action) you can get 2 XP. For sending Energy Pack you receive 3 XP, for sending a gift you earn 4 XP.
I found that the most difficult part is choosing Street Crew members.. because I don't have mafia below level 19. There 6 open slots and still can not find any.. Well, you can create 6 new Mafia Wars accounts for this but that's not allowed, right?

More info, we lose the bonuses from our previous Top Mafia positions! So every job now will cost you more energy, etc.. How dare they re-doing this game!

Anyway, have fun choosing your new Top Mafia!