Saturday, April 2, 2016

Mafia Wars - should players be worried?


Daily bonuses were not posted second day in a row. I do hope they are waiting for links to be activated.
Something else I am much more worried about. 
We are having only 7 banners in the game: Safesmith(for the next 2 days and 16 hours more),Retro Arcade (for the next about 7 days), Stat Card Stakes (for buying and redeem only), Daily Shuffle,VIP membership trial (with very old item Seabourn Stalker), Daily Take and The Last Banner (at this moment on my account: new family perks and energy tonic - this one is random). Inventories were not updated since March,28th - i think. Buying RP-s on discount we do not have for some period of time, 2x on the double as well. 
Only one thing you are posting daily (?) - notifications gift. 
Posts from the game on Facebook for some players are looking horrible, but that is not only Mafia's problem, I've found that and on Farmville, Criminal Case and Candy Crush Saga - this is Facebook's mess and their wish to fix something that was working good, or only one new improvement for their users, whatever their users are thinking about. But that is Facebook.
As for Mafia Wars, are we talking here about game closure in short future (month or two?) or something else is going on.
I am playing this game daily from September,2009., not since yesterday and I do think that I deserve from Mafia Team and Zynga to explain what is going on.
I am not asking, I DEMAND from you to talk to your players, to explain what is going on. Should they be worried?

Mafia Wars fan page image

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