Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Games on Facebook - white screen of death (UPDATE 01/06/2016)

Update (01/06/2016) 

Temporarily disable Spocks toolbar. You will be able (or should) to enter the game, pick bonuses, play normally not only unframed. This is obviously not Facebook mess, problems caused Spocks toolbar. You can always turn that extension on if you are using that script.
With disabling that toolbar you will be able to enter and other games on Facebook. 
My apologizes to Facebook for blaming them yesterday.
Hope disabling Spocks extension would help, and that they will solve this issue soon.

Games on Facebook - white screen of death

Not only Zynga's games, but other or on most of them you will get white screen of death. I've checked some of them, and result is the same.
This is Facebook's mess - report it if you are having the same problem.

For Mafia Wars players, playing unframe is only option for players that are getting white screen.

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