Q: What is Arena Rampage? When will the event start?
A: Arena Rampage is a limited time event where you finish 7 objectives to complete the New Year's Bash Collection at each mastery level.
The New Year's Bash Collection could be vaulted to receive cool rewards.
This limited time event will start at 10:00 PST on December 30th and will be available for 7 days.
Q: How do I play?
A: Arena Rampage can be accessed through the home page module.
Click on the View Progress button on the Home Page module for details on objectives which you need to finish for completing and vaulting the Bombshell Collection at a particular mastery level.
Once you complete all the required objectives, the Bombshell Collection will be available to Vault.

Clicking on “Check Progress” will show you the list of objectives for the current mastery level.
Please note that the some tasks are specific to Mob Fury or Shootout Arenas and you need to complete them based on the requirements - exactly as indicated on the game board.
The progress of Arena Rampage can also be viewed on the results page after the end of each Arena:

The Bombshell Collection will also be available to vault in the collections page. Click on Inventory >Collections and Vaults >Special to view and vault the Bombshell Collection.

You will be notified about the rewards after you successfully Vault the collection.

Q: What are the different types of objectives?
A: There are various objectives for this event, which include but are not limited to the following:
· Dealing X Damage in a single Shootout Arena
o Head to a Shootout Arena and deal damage to opponents. Please note that this objective requires you to deal a certain amount of Damage in a Single Arena. A combination of damage dealt in multiple Arenas will not be considered towards mastery progression.
· Dealing X Damage in a single Mob Fury Arena:
o Similar to the above, deal damage to opponents in a Single Mob Fury Arena.
· Score X Arena Kills on the Leader in Shootout Arena: In this objective, you need to identify the leader in a particular Shootout Arena and Kill them.
o Arena Kill: An Arena kill is considered when you bring down an opponent’s Arena Health to zero.
o Arena Leader: A leader is identified by the #1 tag as shown below:

· Score X Kills in a single Shootout Arena: In order to complete this objective, you need to score the required number of kills in a Single Shootout Arena. Once again, a combination of kills earned in multiple Arenas will not be considered towards progress.
o Arena Kill: An Arena kill is considered when you bring down an opponent’s Arena Health to zero.
· Score X Kills in a single Mob Fury Arena: Similar to the above, you need to score the required number of kills in a Single Mob Fury Arena.
· Score X First Bloods in a Shootout Arena
o First Blood is considered when you get the first Arena Kill in a particular Shootout Arena before anyone else does.
· Win X Mob Fury Arenas
o Win the required number of Mob Fury Arenas
· Earn X MVP Badges in Mob Fury Arena
o What are MVP badges?
o You can earn MVP by dealing the highest amount of damage in a particular Mob Fury Arena. MVP can be earned irrespective of your team winning in that particular Arena.

· Place in the Top 3 in Shootout Arena X times
o Stay in the Top 3 for a certain number of times in Shootout Arena
Q: Will scores from Private Arena, Challenge Arena and Rematch Arena count towards Arena Rampage?
A: No, Private Arena, Challenge Arena and Rematch Arena scores will not count towards Arena Rampage.
Q: How many Mastery Levels are available?
A: There are a total of 5 mastery levels available for this event: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby and Emerald. Vaulting a collection will unlock the next mastery.
Please note that the Emerald Mastery Level will be available to unlock and will be visible only after you complete the Ruby Level mastery of the event.
Upon unlocking the Emerald Mastery, the event timer will be extended by 24 hours during which you can vault the collection once more and earn an exclusive Emerald Mastery reward.

Q: What are the Rewards?
A: Below are the rewards for Vaulting the Bombshell collection at various mastery levels:

Please note that there is a separate Mastery Reward for vaulting the Bombshell Collection in Emerald Mastery:
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