Two new cartels have risen out of the ashes, but this land can survive under only one reign. Collect ices and win the war for your cartel to win amazing rewards.
Cartel Clash Basics
Ices earned in the Arena
Don’s Challenge
How to check event progress
Rewards explained (Associate Reward; Don’s Rewards ; Loyalty Reward; Champion Reward)
Switching Loyalty to another cartel
Ices earned in the Arena
Don’s Challenge
How to check event progress
Rewards explained (Associate Reward; Don’s Rewards ; Loyalty Reward; Champion Reward)
Switching Loyalty to another cartel
Q: What is Cartel Clash?
A: Cartel Clash is a 5-day event where you can pick up a cartel and contribute to winning the war for the day for them by collecting Ices. The cartel with more number of Ices will be declared as a winner for the day.
A: Cartel Clash is a 5-day event where you can pick up a cartel and contribute to winning the war for the day for them by collecting Ices. The cartel with more number of Ices will be declared as a winner for the day.
The scores reset at Midnight PDT every day for 5 days, so earn as many Ices as you can and contribute to your cartel. There are rewards for staying loyal with your cartel for the duration of the event and completing the Don’s Challenge.
Q: How do I play?
A: Cartel Clash can be accessed through the Home Page module. Once you join a cartel, your aim is to collect as many Ices as you can to make your cartel win the war.
A: Cartel Clash can be accessed through the Home Page module. Once you join a cartel, your aim is to collect as many Ices as you can to make your cartel win the war.
Click on the “Join” button to be a part of any cartel you wish to join.

Once you join a cartel, you will be notified and will be able to see the various Rewards at stake for the day:

The Home Page module will change and will start displaying the event progress:

Q: Will the Ices earned in the Arena count? Do I need to Ice players from opponent cartel?
A: Yes, all Ices earned in the Arena will count towards the progress of Cartel Clash. Presently, there is no way to identify players in an opponent cartel in the game. You can Ice any player in the game and those Ices will be counted towards the progression of Cartel Clash.
A: Yes, all Ices earned in the Arena will count towards the progress of Cartel Clash. Presently, there is no way to identify players in an opponent cartel in the game. You can Ice any player in the game and those Ices will be counted towards the progression of Cartel Clash.
Q: What is Don’s Challenge? Are there different Rewards for Don’s Challenge?
A: Each day, the Don will present you a challenge to contribute a certain amount of Ices towards your cartel. The Don’s Challenge will be displayed on the right side of the Home Page Module.
A: Each day, the Don will present you a challenge to contribute a certain amount of Ices towards your cartel. The Don’s Challenge will be displayed on the right side of the Home Page Module.

There are 4 levels of Don’s Challenge:
Bronze: Contribute a total of 50 Ices on a given day.
Silver: Contribute a total of 150 Ices on a given day.
Gold: Contribute a total of 300 Ices on a given day.
Completion challenge: Contribute a total of 500 Ices on a given day.
Silver: Contribute a total of 150 Ices on a given day.
Gold: Contribute a total of 300 Ices on a given day.
Completion challenge: Contribute a total of 500 Ices on a given day.
Q: Is there a limit of Ices I can contribute to my cartel? Will Ices continue to count for Cartel Clash, even if I complete Don’s Challenge?
A: There is no limit on the amount of Ices you can contribute to your cartel. Ices will count towards Cartel Clash, even after completing Don’s challenge.
A: There is no limit on the amount of Ices you can contribute to your cartel. Ices will count towards Cartel Clash, even after completing Don’s challenge.
Q: How do I check my progress in the event?
A: Cartel Clash is a 5-day event and the progress resets every day at midnight PDT. You aim is to contribute Ices and help your cartel win the war every day to be eligible for great rewards.
A: Cartel Clash is a 5-day event and the progress resets every day at midnight PDT. You aim is to contribute Ices and help your cartel win the war every day to be eligible for great rewards.
Click on “View Cartel Progress” to view the rewards and your progress in the event.

Daily Cartel Clash Results:

The cartel which wins on at least 3 days out of 5 will be declared a winner.
Daily Cartel Clash Results:

Today’s Rewards at Stake:

Q: What are the different Rewards?
A: Below are the 4 different types of Rewards in Cartel Clash. All rewards for a day will be granted on the next day when the daily progress resets (Midnight PDT).
A: Below are the 4 different types of Rewards in Cartel Clash. All rewards for a day will be granted on the next day when the daily progress resets (Midnight PDT).
1. Associate Reward (Daily Reward): This reward is granted to participants who contribute at least 1 Ice to their respective cartels on a given day.

2. Don’s Rewards (Daily Reward): You can earn Don’s Rewards by completing Don’s Challenge every day. Don’s Rewards includes a loot and 3 Reward Points. There are 3 Tiers of Don’s Reward loot which will be updated daily: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The loot will be upgraded as you master the tiers of Don’s Challenge.
Don’s Rewards:
Bronze Mastery loot: Contribute a total of 50 Ices on a given day.
Silver Mastery loot: Contribute a total of 150 Ices on a given day.
Gold Mastery loot: Contribute a total of 300 Ices on a given day.
Additional 3 Reward Points: Contribute a total of 500 Ices on a given day.
Silver Mastery loot: Contribute a total of 150 Ices on a given day.
Gold Mastery loot: Contribute a total of 300 Ices on a given day.
Additional 3 Reward Points: Contribute a total of 500 Ices on a given day.
Daily Reward of 3 Reward Points can only be earned if you complete the Don’s Challenge beyond Gold Level (contribute 500 Ices).

* If you complete the Don’s Challenge by contributing 500 Ices and your cartel wins, all Don’s Rewards will be doubled for that particular day.
3. Loyalty Reward (One-time – 10 Skill Points): This reward is granted to players who stick with their cartel for all 5 days during the event AND complete at least Bronze Level of Don’s Challenge every day for 5 days.

You will be disqualified for the Loyalty reward of 10 Skill Points if any one of the below conditions is true:
a. You will be disqualified if you switch your loyalty to a different cartel during the event.
b. You will be disqualified if you fail to achieve at least Bronze Level of Don’s Challenge on any of the 5 days during the event.

4. Champion Reward (One-time): The Champion Reward will be granted to players who are a part of the winning cartel on the last day of the event AND who have completed at least Bronze Level of Don’s Challenge for the winning cartel for a minimum of 3 days during the 5-day event.
You can check your progress by clicking on “View Cartel’s Progress” to ensure that you are meeting the reward requirements.

Q: How can I switch my loyalty to a different cartel?
A: You can switch loyalty to a different cartel by clicking on “Join” button and by paying 10 Reward Points.
A: You can switch loyalty to a different cartel by clicking on “Join
Please note: Switching the loyalty will cause you to lose the loyalty reward of 10 Skill Points and might affect your chances to win the Champion Reward depending on the results.

Q: What will happen to my Don’s Challenge progress and earned Ices, if I switch my loyalty to a different Cartel?
A: If you switch your loyalty, the Ices which you have already contributed to your cartel will remain intact with them.
A: If you switch your loyalty, the Ices which you have already contributed to your cartel will remain intact with them.
However, your individual contribution and Don’s Challenge will be reset for the day and you will need to start all over again to earn the Don’s Rewards and mastery.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of times I can switch loyalty?
A: No, there is no limit on the number of times you can switch loyalty.
A: No, there is no limit on the number of times you can switch loyalty.
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