We are delighted to announce an exciting new feature to Zynga Player Support - Notifications!
Have you ever wanted to keep track of the questions you post on Zynga Player Support or wanted to stay up-to-date with questions and answers you have followed from fellow players? Well, now you can!
Once you are connected to Zynga Player Support through Facebook Connect, you can choose to receive notifications on the following activities:
Your Answers
• Someone likes your answer
• Someone comments on your answer
• Someone marks your answer as best answer
Questions You Follow
• Someone answers the question
To manage your notifications, simply follow the steps below:
1. Make sure you are connected through Facebook Connect

2. As soon as you are connected through Facebook Connect, click on your nickname and choose Settings.

3. In Email Notification Settings, choose which activities you would like to receive notifications on and when you would like to receive them.

4. If you choose to receive notifications, an email will be sent to you every time there is activity on one of your answers or questions you follow.
Notifications Icon
Keep an eye on the Notifications icon at the top of your screen.

This icon will tell you how many new notifications you have since your last log-in. Please remember that you must be connected to Zynga Player Support through Facebook Connect for notifications to work.
Dashboard - All your activities in one place
As soon as you have modified your Email Notification Settings, click on your nickname at the top of the screen. Now choose Dashboard to keep track of all your activities on Zynga Player Support.

It’s as simple as that! Now you can stay up-to-date and keep track of all your activities on Zynga Player Support.
We hope you enjoy this new feature.
Thank you,
Zynga Player Support
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