Thursday, August 12, 2010

Negative Health?

Some of our friends experienced this weird bug... They got NEGATIVE Health!
Please check on the screenshots..

I'm sure lots of you also experience the same..


  1. That negative health proved to me today (-1) but only for a moment. I suppose the reason for such a quick return to a positive status is the overlap of falling health and recovery...
    ...But the point of the negative health is not clear to me at least for now...

  2. Got a -4 & didn't even know I was being attacked.How does that work?..Better Mirna.

  3. Sorry if you got that twice.I've never Blogged before.

  4. Thank you Steve, this is a really right place for questions or discussion, and my healts as you can see up have fallen on -1, but answer on that question is not known as you can read on this post. Just checked regularly this blog or follow links that go out, I believe that the answer to this question also come soon.

  5. i had negative stamina today -2

  6. Negative stamina is interesting information and I thank you for sharing this with us.
    Now for the second time I come to -5 health. I'm interested in how much minus healths can go ...

  7. -41 for me. Appears as though it lets whatever attack kills you do full damage, rather than just down to 0 (or that's my guess anyway).
