Saturday, February 21, 2015

7 Day Deal Promotion - Oath Of Omerta

How the Deals work
  • Unlock a better deal for each day, for the next seven days.
  • Each deal offers you more items and more Skill Points for the same price: Day 1 deal comes with 1 item and 1 skill point for 45 Reward Points; Day 5 deal has 5 items and 5 skill points for 45 Reward Points.
  • Once unlocked, you can purchase a particular deal as long as you have purchased at least one more previous deal.Example: On Day 3, if you have 5 Day-2 Deals then you can purchase up to 5 Day-3 Deals.
  • Unlock Day 7 for the best loot item and Skill Points Deal.
  • This event will end on 2nd March at 23:59 (PST).

  • 1 comment:

    1. a code of silence practiced by the Omerta Mafia; a refusal to give evidence to the police about criminal activities. see moresee less. type of: code, codification
